ABRUZZO Farm Holidays Abruzzo - Villa Pardi - Pescara Country House - Italy - Country Holiday
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Agriturismo Villa Pardi
"Il Giardino Dei Ciliegi"

Welcome to Abruzzo

Manoppello, Pescara - Abruzzo - Italy

Villa Pardi "Il Giardino dei Cigliegi" is a three buildings complex formed by a seventeenth century house and two cottages, restored and elegantly furnished by Mr Licio and Mrs Marilena Pardi.
All the bedrooms have been restored respecting the style of the place, and are provided with toilets and air-conditioning. The rooms enjoy a view over the typical landscape of Abruzzo hills.

On the noble floor of the Villa there is a beautiful hall for parties, meetings and exhibitions; on the lower floor, faced a secular garden, there is a refined hall where the furniture gives a warmth you can find only in your own home.

The Villa is in an enviable position at the edge of the natural park of Maiella and near the Abruzzo National Park, only at 15 km from mountains and 30 from sea. It is possible to have suggestive walks in the near natural reserves in the Orta and Orfento valleys, where Celestine monasteries rise. Not far, there are beautiful examples of Benedectine and Cistercian architecture.

Villa Pardi "Il Giardino dei Ciliegi"
C.da Cappuccini
Manoppello - Pescara
Tel. 085 4712289, 085 8590049, 335
Fax 085 4712289, 085 8590049